Ellington Branch Stream Restoration

Warren County, NC

This full delivery design-build project includes the restoration of more than 5,000 linear feet of Ellington Branch and one of its unnamed tributaries. Project goals were to decrease sedimentation, improve water quality and increase wildlife habitat. Based on the results to date, sediment inputs have been significantly reduced, vegetation counts remain well above the minimum per acre estimates and water quality has improved substantially. Designs followed the methodologies associated with Priority Level I and II restorations using natural channel design. The staff at Ecological Engineering were responsible for all engineering and environmentally-related aspects, such as recordation of a Conservation Easement, existing channel and topographic surveys, reference reach surveys, natural channel designs, hydraulic modeling, resource agency coordination, permitting, construction and construction management, buffer restoration, as-built plans and five years of annual monitoring. The project was constructed in summer and fall of 2007. Annual monitoring has demonstrated the project has met all success criteria. Project closeout occurred in 2013 with no reduction of anticipated credits.


  • 5,000 LF of Priority I and II stream restoration on Ellington Branch and its unnamed tributary
  • Serves as a demonstration project for the local NRCS
  • Sediment inputs reduced 96 percent on Ellington Branch and 98 percent on its unnamed tributary

Series of grade control structures along Ellington Branch immediately after construction

2007 Upon completion of construction

2010 Monitoring Year 3

2012 Monitoring Year 5